DApp Distribution

  • 20.1% of the total supply of OYL will be distributed through Life3 dApps in the ecosystem.

  • Governance determines distribution weights between Life3 dApps and distributes them accordingly.

  • Each dApp can apply for OYL distribution of its own tokens, and as of 00:00 each day, all dApp tokens requested for exchange are burned, and the OYL is distributed according to the proportion of each applicant in the total distribution requests. If there are no OYL distribution applicants/requests, the OYL for that day will be added to the reserve pool of the dApp distribution system.

  • The distribution system prevents inflation of dApp tokens and pursues their perfect balance with OYL.

  • If there is a remaining OYL balance in the reserve pool, up to 5% of the OYL distribution amount of that day will be added to the distribution, then distributed.

Examples (arbitrary assumptions for illustrative purposes, not actual figures)

  • Life3's daily dApp distribution OYL: 10,000

  • Life3 distribution weight by dApp: dApp 1 (50%), dApp 2 (30%), dApp 3 (20%)

  • Application for dApp 1 distribution: User A (1,000 dApp 1 tokens), User B (dApp 1 tokens 600), User C (dApp 1 tokens 400)

  • User A's earned OYL = 10,000 x 50% x (1000 / (1,000 + 600 + 400)) = 2,500 OYL

  • User B's earned OYL = 10,000 x 50% x (600 / (1,000 + 600 + 400)) = 1,500 OYL

  • User C's earned OYL = 10,000 x 50% x (400 / (1,000 + 600 + 400)) = 1,000 OYL

Last updated